Miguel A. Lopera
Miguel A. Lopera, the former President and Chief Executive Officer of GS1, currently serves as GS1 Senior Advisor. He joined GS1 as CEO in April 2003.
Miguel has a wealth of CEO, Board, division management, marketing and IT experience gained in every aspect of the consumer goods business, having spent 24 years with Procter & Gamble and nearly 20 years with GS1.
Joining P&G as an IT analyst in 1979, he became IT Director of P&G Spain and later IT Director of P&G Northern Europe (UK, Ireland and Scandinavia). In 1992, he changed his career to Marketing. During the following years, he held various Marketing positions such as Marketing Director of Laundry Detergents-Europe, Marketing Director of Fabric & Home care in Spain and later was responsible for the Fabric & Home Care and Food & Beverages Divisions of P&G Spain and Portugal.
Miguel joined EAN International in April 2003 as CEO and, in addition, he was appointed CEO of UCC (now GS1 US). He founded EPCglobal Inc. in 2003 and GDSN Inc. in 2004. In 2005, he merged EAN International and UCC into GS1 as President and CEO.
Miguel is a strong believer in collaborative commerce between trading partners. Back in 1984, he created a collaboration programme between key Spanish retailers and manufacturers based on multifunctional teams, which was a complete innovation at the time.
Miguel holds an Engineering MsC Degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa of Madrid.
Miguel has been a Board member of GS1 Global and GS1 US. He was a guest of the Consumer Goods Forum Board, GS1 Data Excellence Board and GS1 Innovation Board.