Hanne Melin
Hanne Melin is Director Global Public Policy and leads for the EMEA region eBay’s Public Policy Lab (https://www.ebaymainstreet.com/lab ). The Lab explores issues that sit at the nexus of technology and commerce through research and policy formation. Hanne is a member of the European Commission’s Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship, and represents eBay in the Private Sector Consultative Group of the World Customs Organization. Before joining eBay, Hanne was an associate at the law firm Sidley Austin LLP based in Brussels, practising competition law for five years. Hanne holds a Master in International Business Law from King’s College London, she is a guest lecturer at the law faculty of Lund University (Sweden), and a frequent speaker and writer on the topic of how the internet and technology transform trade. Recent publications include: “The Leaders of the New eMarkets”, chapter in the Committee of Region’s Guide on Regional Competitiveness, “Inclusive trade: the promise of the global empowerment network”, Journal of Inspiration Economy, and “Technology enabled small business trade in Canada”, Volume VI, Institute for Research on Public Policy.